The festival FENDA - immersed in the streets of Braga, a Portuguese city known for its rich history and traditions - as part of "Braga – Culture Capital of the Atlantic Axis 2021".

With Cosmic Burger Collective providing artistic direction in co-organisation with Braga Municipality, the event placed equal emphasis on visual/performing arts and quality music.

This year’s visual identity was inspired by the Roman legacy that is spread all over the city. The elements used on the poster represent the traditional Roman Braga being cracked by a new generation of artists and groundbreaking ideas. These waves of emerging artists are paying an homage to Braga’s ancestry while redefining its cultural direction.

FENDA caught the best of Braga’s local talent, along with some international giants. This year’s line-up included Evian Christ - who presented an A/V show specially designed for this festival - homebred hip-hop luminary Ângela Policia, Argentine artist Catnapp, Collective and UK Multimedia Wielder Iglooghost.

This festival granted 12 murals from 12 artists, scattered around the enticing streets of Braga. The pop-up art circuit was spearheaded by Portuguese artist B.E.K - Urban Arts Ambassador of FENDA.

Photos From The Festival

Year: 2021
Client: Cosmic Burger and Braga Municipality
Direction: Francisco Quintas
Production: Carolina Grilo Santos
Art direction: Pedro Pereira
Design: Pedro Pereira
Copywriter: Raquel Luz
Photographer: André Alves

Skills: Poster, advertising media, motion graphics, 3D

Thank you ;)
For more of my work, follow me on instagram @whynotpipi

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